Resources for the course
VS Code
Flake8 plugins
- Awesome Flake8 Extensions - curated list of Flake8 plugins
- flake8-bugbear - tries to find bugs and design problems in your programs
- flake8-builtins - checks that you don't use Python builtins as variables or parameters
- flake8-comprehensions - helps you write better list/set/dict comprehensions
- flake8-docstrings - adds documentation checks provided by PEP 257
- flake8-eradicate - finds commented out dead code
- flake8-isort - checks if imports are correctly ordered (with isort plugin)
- flake8-broken-line - complains when you incorrectly use backslashes
- flake8-rst-docstrings - validate Python docstrings as reStructuredText (RST) - useful with Sphinx
- darglint - check that the docstring matches the function's definition
- flake8-mutable - checks that you don't use mutable default arguments
- "Wait, IPython can do that?!" - presentation of IPython features
Pytest plugins
- pytest-xdist - run tests in parallel
- pytest-cov - generate coverage reports
- pytest-clarity - improve the readability of pytest output
- pytest-instafail - instantly show failures and errors
- pytest-sugar - prettify the output from pytest
- pytest-benchmark - benchmark your tests
- pytest-socket - disable network calls in your tests
- pytest-emoji - display emojis in your test results